tierra y libertad rivera

Humanity is a seething, heaving mass of unease, tumbling like surge over a slipping, sliding, shifting bottom; and there will never be any ease until a rock bottom of economic justice is reached. PLM forces under Praxedis Guerrero crossed the border and marched through the state of Chihuahua. And if this is the origin of territorial property, if the right of property is nothing more than the legal consecration of crime, why lift arms to heaven when it is known that the Mexican Liberal Party works to expropriate the land that the rich monopolize, that is, the descendants of the thieves that had taken possession through crime, to turn it over to the natural owner, that is, the people, that is all the citizens of Mexico? The profession of theft is definitely not one of the happiest. Tierra y Libertad n'est pas le énième film romantique sur la guerre civile espagnole ­«cette guerre n'a jamais été une histoire romantique»­, explique Ken Loach dans une interview à El Pais. I have spoken of the meaning of revolution in general; of the meaning of the Mexican revolution chiefly an agrarian one; of its present condition. À l'origine supplément de La Revista Blanca, Tierra y Libertad prend son autonomie à partir du 25 janvier 1902[1]. Il n'assume toutefois jamais ses paternités. They introduced the unheard of crime of “trespass.” They forbade the cutting of a tree, the breaking of a branch, the gathering of the fallen wood in the forests. And the reason you have thought it was all over in Mexico, from last May till now, is that the Chicago press, like the eastern, northern, and central press in general, has said nothing about this steady march of revolt. It is important to note that the displaced were not the ones to give those thieves the right of property; it was not the people of any country who gave the power to confiscate that resource, to which all humankind has the right. Last week news items said that the present government had sent General Paz there, with federal troops, to remedy that state of affairs. However repression was falling more and more upon the PLM. La même année, il devient membre … They understand they have a right upon the soil, a right to use it for themselves, a right to drive off the invader who has robbed them, to destroy landmarks and title-deeds, to ignore the tax-gatherer and his demands. Rather more than double the number of Indians are mixed breeds; that is, about 8,000,000, leaving less than 3,000,000 of pure white stock. For it must be understood that the main revolt is a revolt against the system of land tenure. It is a common belief of the Anglo-Saxon that the Indian is essentially lazy. Of these, 4,000,000 are of unmixed Indian descent, people somewhat similar in character to the Pueblos of our own southwestern states, primitively agricultural for an immemorial period, communistic in many of their social customs, and like all Indians, invincible haters of authority. Some is reactionary, some probably the satisfaction of personal grudge, much, no doubt, the expression of general turbulency of a very unconscious nature. The right of property is ancient, as ancient as man’s stupidity and blindness; but just the antiquity of a right can not give it the “right” to survive. And that will be the worst thing that can possibly happen, and against which every worker in the United States should protest with all his might; or. The triumph of Obregon meant the institutionalisation of the revolution reflected in the title of the new ruling party, The Institutional Revolutionary Party. Zapata has divided up the great estates of Morelos from end to end, telling the peasants to take possession. Whenever a true Anglo-Saxon seeks to enjoy himself, he makes work out of that too, after the manner of a certain venerable English shopkeeper who in company with his son visited the Louvre. The government took no note of the ancient tribal rights or customs, and those who received the concessions proceeded to enforce their property rights. All his legends are of wanderings with nature, of forests, fields, streams, plants, animals. He doesn’t like to be forced to create his fancies in a hurry; he likes to fashion them, and admire them, and improve and refashion them, and admire again; and all for the fun of it. Ce choix a été influencé par le fait que ce film se déroule dans les brigades du POUM, proches de la Confédération nationale du travail qui combattaient le franquisme entre 1936 et 1939. There is, then, the need to let go of the illusion. The present unrest of the world in its economic relations, as manifested from day to day in the opposing combinations of men and money, in strikes and bread-riots, in literature and movements of all kinds demanding a readjustment of the whole or of parts of our wealth-owning and wealth-distributing system, this unrest is the revolution of our time, the economic revolution, which is seeking social change, and will go on until it is accomplished. Selection of writings by Ricardo Flores Magnon, 1873-1922 …. The Maderists have announced that a stiff repressive campaign will be inaugurated at once; if we are to believe the papers, we are to believe Madero guilty of the imbecility of saying, “Five days after my inauguration the rebellion will be crushed.” Just why the crushing has to wait till five days after the inauguration does not appear. PLM units gained many victories, in contrast with the poor military record of the Maderistas. The general movement towards political change in Europe and America about the close of the eighteenth century, was a revolution. When government is spoken of to those simple people, they start to tremble because for them government is the same as an executioner; it signifies the same as tyranny. The movement built up to include tens of thousands. Yucatan hemp is famous, and so is Yucatan fever, and Yucatan slavery on the hemp plantations. So the ignorant may well distrust the good intentions of educated men who talk about improvements in land development. This removal from the scene clouded their judgement and their lack of clarity led to a debate on the international level as to whether or not they were truly anarchist, ( they certainly were) robbing them of a certain amount of international solidarity. The same effort and the same sacrifices that are required to raise to power a governor — that is to say, a tyrant — will achieve the expropriation of the fortunes the rich keep from you. At the same time Carranza sought to buy off the workers’ movement by promising labour legislation and organising rights (see the separate article A Grave Error). Man, although the most perverse, always likes to attract the esteem of all. The PLM refused this, and saw that a social revolution was continuing within Mexico. The compulsory draft tears strong and healthy young men from the bosom of a society and lessens the number eligible for marriage. The bourgeois opposition advanced a candidate to the Presidency and pushed it through, rather than giving in to the customary compromise with the regime that was frequent in Mexico. It possibly holds as important a place in the present disruption and reconstruction of economic institutions, as the great revolution of France held in the eighteenth century movement. The situation was compounded by the split between the leadership in exile in the States , clearly anarchist communist, and some of the PLM membership in Mexico, not as politically developed, and leading to compromises with Madero. México: tierra, libertad y arte En el centenario de la promulgación de la Constitución mexicana, llega a Lima una muestrade Orozco, Rivera y Siqueiros. Long life to “Land and Liberty!”. tierra y libertad mural. This could happen only in this case: that the revolutionaries, through a weakness of the guillotine, would leave afoot social inequality. The final phase of the revolution took place when some of Carranza’s generals, who represented a more radical approach of a section of the bourgeoisie, revolted and in the following hostilities, finally defeated him. Recruitment to the PLM had been difficult, and the influx of foreign volunteers had distorted the situation. Some Maderistas sympathize with the idea of turning the land over to the people; but conservatives in the end, they want the act to reflect a legal solemnity, that is, they want a congress to decree the expropriation. The Austrian-Hungarian Parliament is noted or the enlarged number of workers’ representatives that sit on its boards and nevertheless the problem of hunger in Austria- Hungary is unresolved, just as in any other country where there are no representatives of labor in Congress. The American Socialist Party withdrew its support from the PLM, and transferred it to Madero. Sancionarán a tianguis de la Tierra y Libertad por incumplir medidas El Secretario de Movilidad, Luis Alonso Tahuahua dejó en claro que corresponderá al Ayuntamiento de Tepic el tipo de sanción que aplicarán a los comerciantes por no respetar las medidas. The Carranzistas smashed Villa in the north and in the south isolated the Zapatistas. The idea that such a condition can be dealt with by the immemorial remedy offered by tyrants to slaves, is like the idea of sweeping out the sea with a broom. And they conclude saying that a supreme chief, a crowd of officials, large and small, such as ministers, judges, magistrates, legislators, soldiers, jailers, policemen, and executioners, are necessary. Migration of workers, caused by economic and political phenomena, also reduces the number of men capable of marriage. In Puebla reports in September told us that eighty leading citizens had waited on the governor to protest against the taking possession of the land by the peasantry. The PLM hoped in the long run to expropriate the big landowners there, but in the meantime, forced them to hand over large sums of money. Se hace referencia a la visión del futuro de Diego Rivera que es claramente un futuro lleno de libertad. He appears to be a fighter of the style of our revolutionary Marion and Sumter; the country in which he is operating is mountainous, and guerilla bands are exceedingly difficult of capture; even when they are defeated, they have usually succeeded in inflicting more damage than they have received, and they always get away. In Mexico, we have had and have hundreds of proofs that humankind does not need bosses or government if not in the case of economic inequality. Madero had 8 leading Magonistas arrested in Chihuahua and 147 members of their units were disarmed. In the rural villages and communities, the people have not felt it necessary to have a government. The leading lights in the PLM had in the main remained in Los Angeles when they should have been on the ground in Mexico. And, in June 1912, Ricardo and other important PLM militants were arrested by the US government and sentenced to 23 months in jail for breaking the neutrality laws. Por eso el grito de batalla de Emiliano Zapata fue: ¡Tierra y Libertad! For its part propagation of PLM ideas among the peasants was hindered to a certain extent by widespread illiteracy. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. All during the summer they have kept up the warfare. There was the movement led by Ricardo Flores and Jesus Flores Magon, which had a much longer record of opposition to Diaz. Being tired out with walking from room to room, consulting his catalogue, and reading artists’ names, he dropped down to rest; but after a few moments rose resolutely and faced the next room, saying, “Well, Alfred, we’d better be getting through our work.”. Discontent had been slowly building long before the bid of Madero for power. Among all of the absurdities that man reveres, this is one of the greatest and one of the most revered. Despite these setbacks Regeneracion released a new manifesto to replace that of 1906, calling for struggle against authority, the Church and capitalism, and for the establishment of a free society. He castigated Pancho Villa for acting as their servant, but praised the Zapatistas for maintaining their principles and behaving as anarchists whilst not using this title. The filthiest work was done by women. You cannot escape the shame of oppression. In the first place, the abominable political combination, which gave away, as recklessly as a handful of soap-bubbles, the agricultural resources of Mexico gave them away to the millionaire speculators who were to develop the country were the educated men of Mexico. So meager are women’s salaries that frequently they must prostitute themselves to meet their families’ basic needs, especially when in the marketplace of marriage they do not find a husband. A man owning 5,000,000 acres of land exhorts the disinherited workers of Mexico to be frugal! In the society that the libertarians long for, land and all methods of production will no longer be objects of speculation for a determined number of proprietors instead they will be the common property of the workers and as before there will be only one class: that of the workers with the right of all to produce and consume in common, what need would there be to steal? Throughout Mexico, the largely indigenous peasantry arose in rebellion, seizing the land and redistributing it among themselves. Once private property is abolished, when one will have all of the means to choose a job of one’s liking, but beneficial to the community; humanizing the work in a virtue that will not effect the patron and make him rich, but to satisfy necessities; returning to the industry the thousands and thousands of day laborers that today corner the government in its offices, in the districts, and the prisons themselves; all will be put to work to gain sustenance, with the powerful help of machinery of all kinds, it will be necessary to work only some two or three hours daily to have everything in abundance. The same forces which conquer men strangle you. From this erroneous and unjust concept derives the misfortune which she has suffered since humanity differentiated itself from lower animal forms by the use of fire and tools. Notice dans un dictionnaire ou une encyclopédie généraliste, comment faire pour en améliorer la rédaction, Esbozo de una enciclopedia histórica del anarquismo español, El anarquismo organizado en los orígenes de la CNT. Compañeras: This is the frightful picture offered by modern society. Thus through the means of violence, through the means of force was born private, territorial property. Later, under the influence of Greek civilization, women were elevated one step in the esteem of men. Officially, the Revolution was over , and everyone should lay down their arms. In Tabasco, the peons refused to harvest the crops for their masters; let us hope they have imitated their brothers in Morelos and gathered them for them- selves. Contaba con una Biblioteca Tierra y Libertad, que editaba obras de Émile Pouget, Fernand Pelloutier, Juan Lazarte, Ricardo Mella, etc. Mostly these concessions were granted to capitalistic combinations, which were to build railroads (and in some cases did so in a most uncalled for and uneconomic way), “develop” mineral resources, or establish “modern industries.”. Anarchists in Mexico had been advocating that the people seize the land and abolish all government since the late 1860s, when Julio Chavez Lopez declared that what they wanted was “the land in order to plant it in peace and harvest it in tranquility; to leave the system of exploitation and give liberty to all”. But granting all that may be thrown in the balance, the main thing, the mighty thing, the regenerative revolution is the eeappropriation of the land by the peasants. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. IMSS - Mural Pinacoteca V México- Enseñanzas de Quetzalcoatl -Enseñanzas del Cura Hidalgo- Tira de la Peregrinacion Azteca - Crsito Muerto- Cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis-El triunfo de la Muerte-Zapata Tierra y libertad-Viacriccis-Xilonetl- Leda y el Cisne-Monumento Alfonso Reyes: Movement: Mexican muralism: Federico Heraclio Cantú Garza … As Diaz did, and in no other way if they succeed in developing Diaz’s sometime ability; which so far they are wide from having done, though they are resorting to the most vindictive and spiteful tactics in their persecution of the genuine revolutionists, wherever such come near their clutch. that the coast states were talking of secession and forming an independent combination? They died there, like flies, as it was meant they should. Man lives in a constant state of nervous over excitement; the misery, the insecurity of winning the bread of the next morning; the offenses of authority; the certainty that he is victim of political tyranny and capitalist exploitation; the desperation of seeing the child without clothes, education, future; the spectacle, nothing constructed of the struggle of all against all, that is born specifically of the right of private property, that facilitates the shrewd and the malicious to accumulate capital by exploiting the workers; all of that and much more fills the heart of man with bitterness, makes him violent, angry, and nudges him to take out a revolver or dagger to attack, many times for trivial issues. In the German Parliament there are a large number of workers’ representatives and what have they accomplished in favor of the economic freedom of the workers? Are you sisters? Your Anglo-Saxon’s idea of life, however, is to create the useful and the profitable whether he has any use or profit out of it or not and to keep busy, busy; to bestir himself “like the Devil in a holy water font.” Like all other people, he makes a special virtue of his own natural tendencies, and wants all the world to “get busy”; it doesn’t so much matter to what end this business is to be conducted, provided the individual scrabbles. That a nation of people considering themselves enlightened, informed, alert to the interests of the hour, should be so generally and so profoundly ignorant of a revolution taking place in their backyard, so to speak, as the people of the United States are ignorant of the present revolution in Mexico, can be due only to profoundly and generally acting causes. Your duty is to help man; to be there to encourage him when he vacillates; stand by his side when he suffers; to lighten his sorrow; to laugh and to sing with him when victory smiles. As to the Zapatista movement, whilst most effective in its military activity and its land occupations, it failed to actively form an alliance with urban workers, only gaining the support of a small number of anarchist workers and intellectuals. That ended last May”; and this week the press, even the Daily Socialist, reports, “A new revolution in Mexico.” It isn’t a new revolution at all; it is the same revolution, which did not begin with the armed rebellion of last May, which has been going on steadily ever since then, and before then, and is bound to go on for a long time to come, if the other nations keep their hands off and the Mexican people are allowed to work out their own destiny. Unfortunately the Maero uprising failed, and it was only in late December that the movement renewed itself. With angered eyes, and flaming hair, her trembling hands knock anxiously on the doors of our nation. Then in that way then the people, with their work, maintain the henchmen that deprive them from taking what belongs to them. The industrial revolution of the cities, while it is far from being silent, is not to compare with the agrarian revolt. Los sureños, como les decían a los campesinos del sur del país, al mando de Zapata lucharon muchos años porque les fueran entregadas sus tierras. You must suffer the impertinence of the foreman or proprietor; and if you are attractive, the bosses will make advances. The PLM suffered from lack of finances, whereas Madero, for example, was able to call on millions of dollars. The Convention of Aguascalientes in September 1914 where the different forces involved in the smashing of Huerta met up. What have the workers’ representatives of the English people done in the House of Commons? Humiliated, degraded, bound by chains of tradition to an irrational inferiority, indoctrinated in the affairs of heaven by clerics, but totally ignorant of world problems, she is suddenly caught in the whirlwind of industrial production which above all requires cheap labor to sustain the competition created by the voracious “princes of capital” who exploit her circumstances. Thus ninety-nine out of a hundred persons to whom you broach the subject will say, “Why, I thought that ended long ago. What are we to conclude from all these reports? That the Mexican people are satisfied? Revolutions, or rather rebellions, came and went, about like April showers, and they never meant anything serious. For his part Madero denounced PLM militants to both the US and Mexican governments, and profited from lack of communication to peddle the myth that the two movements were in alliance.
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