bisous a toi

confectioners' sugar. geesshhh this is what happens when there are too many things to do.. too little time to play with.. As Salam peeps... hope all is well.. hope u guys still remember me.. i am still pretty much alive.. am still baking away .. i usually will update my, So whats new.. err.. where do i begin.. lets starts with Hairi.. hes doing well.. hes been working hard and wants do his degree .. Sonia is growing far too fast and is in K2 since last july.. am glad that we stuck to our belief: to let her see and experience the world first hand is the best way for ur kid to get exposed..  i know there are parents out there who believe in sending their kids to classes.. music lessons, ballet, sports at a young age.. we dont but that doesnt mean that we will not let her do what she wants.. for now shes into arts.. been years and still shows interest in it.. as for me.. am happy where i am right now.. busy baking for orders on wkdays and spending lots of time with my family over the weekend.. hubs wants me to go slow since i hardly hv the time to try out new recipes and to update my blog.. he doesnt want me to burn myself out and wants me to remember that i bake for my passion... :o), Alrighty.. i am actually blogging fm Jakarta.. this week is officially my off week.. i had planned for this week simply bec its school hols in Singapore and wanted to spend more time with my little girl; and since hubs has to fly to Jakarta.. he thought it might be a good idea for us to tag along.. ya know.. for me to hv a totally ME time is impossible when i am at  home.. his wife simply cant sit still lol, Ok lets talk abt these cuppies.. had baked it to recreate the salted caramel cuppies that we had in one of the cafes near Tiong Bharu.. do check out Plain Vanilla if u are around that vacinity.. check out their cafe.. wud love to set up my own cafe in that style someday.. cough cough hehe, 1 cup (2 sticks) of butter (room temperature). On an ungreased cookie sheet, begin placing tablespoon-sized dollops of dough. Check the cake after 50 minutes by inserting a wooden or metal skewer into the cake. 9) Run a small knife around the edge of each pan to loosen the cake. Place everything in a mixing bowl and mix evenly using a paddle attachment on the lowest speed possible. Subscribe to get the scoop on all the latest juicy bits. Bisous à toi et à bientôt! Return the pot to the heat and add the cream immediately, still whisking vigorously. 2. Allow to cool completely before serving. Cake. After you've mixed in about one third of the dry ingredients, pour in all the poppy seeds, mix those in, and then continue adding in the rest of the flour gradually. Bake the cookies on an upper rack in your oven for approximately 10 to 12 minutes, just until the bottoms are lightly golden. 5 talking about this. Bake in the oven for 60 mins. Arrange the whole almonds close together in neat circles on the top of the cake. Human translations with examples: site, thanks, thank you, merci a toi, toi aussi bisous. Stop whisking once all of the sugar has melted, and swirl the pan occasionally while the sugar cooks. Remove and immediately wrap each cuppies in plastic wrap to seal in moisture. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, prick the tart shells all over with a fork. 6 Arrange cookies on a baking tray lined with baking paper, keeping the space between them. OMG!! Preheat oven to 175 degreesC. I love the moist vanilla cuppies so much so that both Sonia and I enjoyed it bare.. as for the buttercream.. it didnt taste the same.. the buttercream that they used is definitely not swiss meringue.. their vanilla cuppies is a lot more denser which i am not a big fan of to be honest.. oh well.. moral of the story.. i did try to recreate what i tasted.. full stop heheheee. / 1.3 oz / 37 g), at room temperature, 2 cups all-purpose flour (9.6 oz / 272 g). . Add it to the butter, briefly mix. Follow me on … Sep 20, 2014 - A blog by an Asian stay-at-home mum sharing recipes, travel experiences and thoughts on life. Remove the pan from the heat and slowly pour the cream into the caramel. Cream butter for a couple of mins till creamy.. add sugar a little at a time and continue to cream till fluffy.. add egg one at a time and continue to whisk till blended.. add sifted flour, baking powder in three addition.. fold in ur mix fruits and fold in gently.. add lemon zest and also vanilla.. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and spread level using the back of a spoon. Tomorrow is Sonia's graduation day... this will be her third and last year where u will see her performing on stage with her kinder school mates... we hv managed to secure a place in the school that we want her to go.. pending approval fm MOE of cos.. so wish us luck yah.. My baking journey has grown too... i get to play more often with my nozzles and at the same time manage to find time to try out new recipes.. most recipes that i hv tried are fm all the baking books that i hv bought.. i hv also been lucky with all of them cos each time i feel like trying out new recipes.. it works.. yayyy. So ok... lets move on.. there are too many new recipes that i want to share but time is really not on my side.. the interest that i once had seems to be going south.. i dont know if i will be able to update my blog as often as bef but one thing is for sure... i will keep my blog running as long as i can.. this blog is after all abt sharing recipes.. .. and abt my family.. Sonia is growing into a young girl.. shes in K2 and will be 6yo in two months time.. Hairi has been travelling and is going to Paris next week.. err i think.. hubs is still travelling and was in Jakarta two days ago and will be in China whole of next week.. i still hate it whenever he has to travel but thats how it is.. am thankful that hes been working hard to provide us well.. overall we are good and settling into the brand new year.. taking one day at a time.. Alrighty since this post is all abt family bonding... i wanna share a few pics taken on my bday.. eve of xmas.. the day Mr Santa give away prezzies hehe, And oh yes.. bef i call it a day.. heres the recipe of my bday cake which i prepared a few hrs bef my family members arrived.. enjoy and pardon for the not so good quality pic of my cake.. took pic using my phone :o), 4 oz/113g bittersweet chocolate (finely chopped), 1/2 cup / 113g unsalted butter, softened, This recipe uses coconut pecan filling but i opted for salted caramel cream cheese frosting .. why? I will start my new lapis venture next week. 250g cold salted butter - i used lescure unsalted butter and added 1/4 tsp of salt to my flour, 200g of caster sugar - i used 100g muscovado and 100g of caster sugar, 100g of red, yellow , orange cherries - sliced and cubed. 2012 Apr 13 - A blog by an Asian stay-at-home mum sharing recipes, travel experiences and thoughts on life. . 1) Put the chocolate in a medium stainless steel bowl and place the bowl over a pot of barely simmering water. I hv not logged into blogger for the past months, and when i did today.. i found out that Mynn of. Cool for 5 – 10 minutes. and then feel free to start crunching. You can refrigerate the sauce for up to 2 weeks. Divide dough into 6 equal portions. Where my love for Baking, Family, and baking supplies meet... Blog has been closed. Take a peek—if there is still a lot of flour on the surface of the dough, pulse a couple more times; if not, remove the towel. Examples translated by humans: a te, ciao!, cos'é?, buon anno, buonanotte, anche a te. Bef i go on and on abt whats new with us.. i just want to thank all the lovely ppl in my IG and FB.. the messages that I am getting daily asking me abt my well being.. abt how i am coping right now.. Add the sugars and salt and beat until well blended, about 1 minute. Cool for 2 mins before removing to wire racks, I definitely need to take more picture using my DSLR... they say... practice makes perfect... just like baking :), Oh bef i forget... this awesome crunchy and buttery cookie recipe is from, I hope its not too late to wish my readers Ramadhan Mubarak... we are on our 13th day in the holy month of Ramadhan... for the first time Sonia is able to fast the whole day... last yr she only managed to fast for half a day for a couple of days bef she started to tell stories like... "my tummy aches each time i see my kindy friends eat during break time"... ishhh she and her "always has a reason" attitude... i remember Hairi started fasting as early as 5 yrs old and only started his nonsense growing up stage when he was in the army ... one thing for sure... that episode in his life has taught me a lot abt "redha" (resign) ..... am just glad that it didnt last that long.. hes a working man now... has a fiancee and is saving his butt off for his big day lol, Anyway ever since we got home fm our back-to-back trip... i felt rejuvenated... my body feels rested... i had my massage while in Bangkok and KL... i got to rest well and sleep in as long as i wanted.. i also managed to taste a few good desserts during my recent trips... one of them is this Jammers... the first time i had it was when i was at Knur house.. had a bite and fell in love with it straight away... knew i had to try and bake it myself but had to wait till we are done with Surabaya... eh talking abt Surabaya... i really like that place... i had never been there and didnt know what to expect but both Sonia and I agree that Surabaya is 100% better than Medan... oh Medannnn.... lets just say... i dont like that episode in our life!! - Fruity Cookie. See more ideas about desserts, food, baking. Transfer to a rack and let cool. 07/12/2019 . bisous a toi. With a heavy wooden spoon gently fold in the nuts and chocolate. cheers! Human translations with examples: bienvenue, bravo a toi, merci a toi, bravo,a toi, a toi de voir. Add in dry ingredients. I used Wilton 1M but I think the lady in the video used a smaller one - i used wilton 195, Bake in a preheated oven at 200C for 7-8 min (i baked mine at 160C for 20mins. Usage Frequency: 4. Check every 10 minutes - it’s important not to overcook this cake so the centre will be a little soft. Add flour and milk (alternating to creamed mixture), beginning and ending with flour. I am Rima from Singapore and I am a SAHM to a 10 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby in Singapore and now live in Kuala Lumpur.. My love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stopped ever since.. Where my love for Baking, Family, and baking supplies meet... Blog has been closed. Preheat oven to 160C. Allow cookies to cool for 15-20 minutes in pan before using a small offset spatula to carefully ease them out of the pan and onto a cooling rack. So hv a good weekend y'all.. i will try to share more pics... belated pics... too many... when time permits :o). So its the time of the year again.. Sonia will be celebrating her 6th birthday in a couple of days time.. yearly without fail i will bake her a bday cake but this year i wont be able to do so on her big day as we will be in Adelaide.. yep.. we are flying there in a few days time.. it has been four years since we last set foot there.. hubs wasnt interested to go back to Australia simply bec the exchange rate was horrible and theres not much to do there.. usually when we fly somewhere its tied together with hubs work and since theres no work involving aussie land.. we ended up not flying there.. not even when we had the time for a short vacation.. places like Thailand.. Indonesia.. Hong Kong have more to offer in terms of a short gateway.. Anywho long story short.. hubs has finally pulled the plug .. after 10yrs working with the same company.. he finally tendered his resignation a month ago.. he wanted to try something new .. he wanted to meet new ppl and two opportunities came knocking at his door.. we were overwhelmed and at the same time excited for him.. this is his year.. year of horse for the horsey ppl hehehe.. so bef he starts working with the new co.. This is the point where caramel can go from perfect to burnt in a matter of seconds, so keep a close eye. Alrighty.. 6 talking about this. I am sharing a recipe that i managed to try bef our KL trip... we hv been travelling back to back since last month and i am not complaining... (i dont get to travel as much now that Sonia is no longer in kindy).. A zillion apologies will never justify my absence.. am sorry for my lacking in updating my blog.. i had wanted to update my blog while in Paris.. but i didnt.. i took photos.. i took along my lappy but i didnt update my blog.. most of the pics in my. I feel blessed and thankful.. 1st Jan was the day my dad was admitted to CCU.. he has been sick the last few months and became very weak on the eve of new year that we decided to take him to the A&E.. found out that his diabetes was at a critical stage.. he was rushed to the CCU unit where he got proper care and medication.. the family is being tight-nit during this period of time (which is important).. both my sisters and my mom took turns to sleep over.. dad was knocked out for the first two days.. he was blabbering and couldnt even remember what he was talking abt.. mom was pretty aware of the situation and was always on guard whenever she saw dad's doc.. after five days in CCU.. doc decided to release him to the normal ward and he has been warded there for the past few days.. hes better now... talking and not falling asleep every five minutes... hes laughing lots too which i hv not seen for over a year.. hes sitting down on his own and eating properly... started to read the newspaper and magazines again which he lost interest many months ago... i am thankful to Allah for this... us sisters were strong and supported each other.. sis Wati has not been back to work ever since dad was admitted and i dont know what i would do without them... love u girls so much! Pour in the flour, drape a kitchen towel over the stand mixer to protect yourself and the counter from flying flour and pulse the mixer at low speed about 5 times, a second or two each time. ***variation: you can make a lemon-y dough by omitting the vanilla and adding the zest of one lemon to the granulated sugar. I wud also like to thank all my followers on Instagram and FB for all the likes and comments... hugsssss. hehe.. well to those that are on my IG.. am pretty sure ur not missing me as much lol.. i am on there practically every single day.. u can either see my bakes or pics of our daily routine.. (in case you don't know, you can find me under "bisousatoi" on IG and FB). Updates and a recipe - German Chocolate Cake, Belated... better late than never and Crispy Cookies with Coconut and Cornflakes, Double Chocolate White Chocolate Chunk Macadamia Nut Cookies, Almost Famous Amos Chocolate Chunk Cookies. Follow me on … What you’re aiming for is a soft, moist, clumpy (rather than smooth) dough. See more ideas about cake recipes, asian desserts, cake desserts. You'll see that the sugar will begin to form clumps, but that's okay. Prepare the Crust: In a medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder, and salt; set aside. Spoon ganache evenly over tartlets and refrigerate until set, 3-4 hours. Please follow me @LAPIS_BISOUSATOI on Instagram. kisses to you. COME AND GET IT !!! Reduce the mixer speed to low and beat in 2 of the egg yolks and vanilla, again beating until the mixture is homogeneous. I suggested flying to Adelaide for a week and since we are there.. hubs has signed me up for a cake decorating class with Liz.. do check out her site. Beat well after each egg is added. Cream butter for a couple of mins till creamy.. add sugar a little at a time and continue to cream till fluffy.. add egg one at a time and continue to whisk till blended.. add sifted flour, baking powder in three addition.. fold in ur mix fruits and fold in gently.. add lemon zest and also vanilla.. Gradually add the confectioners' sugar and beat at high speed unti the repid chocolate at low speed, mixing until blended and scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Remove the bowl fm over the pot and set the chocolate aside to cool until repid. Using a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, or in a large bowl with a electric hand mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy; mix in yolks and vanilla. 19/nov/2014 - A blog by an Asian stay-at-home mum sharing recipes, travel experiences and thoughts on life. If you add the cream to the sugar too soon it may split. Evenly press each portion into the bottoms and sides of 6 3.5-inch tartlet pan with removable bottoms. Remove from oven and let cool 15 minutes before removing the rings. !, bisous a ++++, kisses abound. Increase the speed to high and heat until the frosting is slightly aerated.. abt 1 min. Mix each increment until completely incorporated. As salam everyone... oh gosh... i miss this space of mine.... its been a year since i last blogged.. Continue cooking until the sugar has reached a deep amber color. : I am waiting, close kisses. The dough will not clean the sides of the bowl, nor will it come together in a ball—and it shouldn’t. 4 Pour the coconut and raisins and mix thoroughly with a spoon (you can do this with your hands). Roll dough to just shy of 1/2-inch thick. Reference: Anonymous. Fatiha (your french fan n1 :-) April 10, 2013 at 2:46 AM aisha said... tidak akak.. kita regular visitor to your blog but now must comment jugak.. In a large bowl whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. See more ideas about food, recipes, desserts. Liberally grease and flour a bundt or tube pan. My love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stopped ever since.. Where my love for Baking, Family, and baking supplies meet... Blog has been closed. Makes 10-12 really substantial cookies, serving size is definitely 1. If this happens return it to the heat and continue heating and stirring vigorously and it should amalgamate to form a sauce. Dec 10, 2014 - Explore Serena Wu's board "Bisous a toi" on Pinterest. Chill the dough in the fridge or freezer for at least 20 minutes. busy busy week ey.. am finishing up a few more orders and i am done.. Alhamdullilah.. unlike last year.. this yr i am much more organised.. i got to bake for my customers and i get to spend time with my family.. a little tired but thats ok.. rezeki.. Alhamdullilah.. 1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened to room temperature, 1/2 cup macadamia nuts, coarsely chopped - i bake it for a couple of mins, 1 white chocolate Ghirardelli® bar, coarsely chopped. (If most of the flour is incorporated but you’ve still got some in the bottom of the bowl, use a rubber spatula to work the rest of the flour into the dough.) : Piggycorn says she wants more kisses. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way.. Top the chilled dough with a couple of teaspoons of jam (strawberry/raspberry with vanilla dough, pineapple/pear with lemon or get creative) and a sprinkling of the streusel. Didnt do much today.. If you're brave and you want super crunchy cookies, bake them a couple of minutes longer. Again, be careful because the mixture will once again bubble up ferociously. It should look almost a reddish-brown, and have a slight toasted aroma. Bittersweet Chocolate, finely chopped - I used Valrhona, Vanilla Fleur de Sel for garnish (optional). Invert each cake onto a wire rack and cool completely. In a large mixer bowl fitted with the paddle attachment, mix together on medium speed the butter, shortening, and sugar until fluffy (about two minutes). Feb 5, 2015 - Bisous À Toi: Mango Mousse Cake I've actually had this cake before minus the fruit on top and if you love mango like I do, it is Delicious!! Heat your oven to 175 degrees C and situate a rack in the middle of the oven. Feel free to try out this recipe... we all love the taste... the crunchiness... lemoness (is there even such word lol) in this cookie... i will be baking it during the upcoming Eid.... for sure! Now based in KL, Reference: Anonymous.
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